Wednesday, March 9, 2011


THIS is urgent! VERY URGENT!!!

That lowest of all scumbags, James O'Keefe, is at it again ruining the lives of anyone who dares to work for a left leaning organization. Having put ACORN out of business, he has now set his sights on NPR. Later in the day, I will describe what he did to them in some detail. It can also be found
on this link:
I think I have an idea about how O'Keefe can be retired once and for all. I will attempt to explain it here. I sincerely hope that one or more folks are sufficiently interested in this serious problem to read and consider my suggestions. I also have serious concern that the DemocratIC Party my not realize just how much of an existential threat this guy poses to their survival. To OUR survival. Here are the main points:
(1) Many states have laws that criminalize the surreptitious taping of a conversation without the consent of all parties unless law enforcement is involved. Let's see if we can get this guy back into jail which is obviously, precisely where he belongs.
(2) Last May, he pled guilty to an offense involving the break in at Sen. Mary Landrieu's office where he planned to perpetrate more execrable dirty tricks. I doubt I'll ever know why he got off so easy in that case, but I would imagine he's a least on probation for it, and, if so, one of the express conditions should be that he not engage in any more of this sneaky, lizard-like crap.
So someone should report him to the court where he is (hopefully) on probation. If the judge agrees that he's in violation, he could be sent to jail for quite awhile without even having a trial.

(3) At a minimum, there is absolutely no reason why the DNC or George Soros or someone like that couldn't hire private investigators to watch this slime ball around the clock.
That way, they could well catch him as he engages in criminal conduct in which case they will probably be able to hand the local prosecutor a ready made case to prosecute on a silver platter.
And secondarily, if PIs are tailing this putz around the clock, the least they should be able to accomplish is to spot, and then warn, his next intended victim before more left leaning companies go out of business and more employees of those companies lose their jobs and see their lives ruined.
This asshole is exceedingly dangerous, and I fail to see how the Democrats can possibly neglect to take every necessary step to catch this guy and put him out of business once and for all.

Unfortunately, we have learned the hard way about just how docile the Democrats, led by our President, have been for a long time. But this time, hopefully the courage of those Wisconsinites and the Wisconsin 14 will rub off enough to convince them to display a little backbone. The very existence of the party and of liberalism in this country might well be at stake. This time, the Democrats simply cannot afford to be docile and capitulate preemptively.


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