Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Upcoming Election or Catch-22: The Sequel

The upcoming election can be summarized in one paragraph:

Eight years of George W. Bush and his rubber stamp GOP Congress drove our economy to the brink of depression. President Obama and the Congressional Democratic majorities have made heroic efforts to restore the economic stability that we had when President Clinton left office, but the Republican members of the Senate have obstructed these efforts at every turn by unprecedented use of the filibuster. Now, having prevented most of President Obama's attempts to turn the economy around, Republican Congressional and Senatorial candidates have been campaigning on the platform that the President hasn't done enough to fix the economy!

All of which is reminiscent of this line from Humphrey Bogart in "The Big Sleep" (1946) - "First they'll knock my teeth out. Then they'll kick me in the stomach for mumbling."

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