Friday, March 18, 2011

There Might Be a Lower Form of Life and More Dishonest Piece of Crap Than Newt Gingrich. I Just Haven't Found Him Yet.

The following is my response to the Eye of Newt's latest reprehensible canard about the President (that he shouldn't have made his Final Four predictions while crises in Japan and Libya are in progress) that may be found at: .............
"Newt's reasoning is as impeccable as ever. A Republican President would NEVER have allowed himself to be distracted by sports when dangerous international situations were occurring.
For example, George W. Bush would never have ignored the warning he was given in August of 2001 that al Qaeda was getting ready to launch an attack on our soil with airplanes.
Nor would he have filmed a spot warning of the dangers of terrorism, concluded with the words, "Now, watch this drive," and then approached the nearest tee. (BTW, was this the beginning of the Tea Party?)
Newt, maybe you should return to your favorite canard about Obama's body being inhabited by the anti colonialist spirit of his dead, African warrior grandfather. Only an arrogant, condescending scum bag could possibly think he could make up the most ridiculous, outrageous crap imaginable and yet convince the American people to believe it.
You want to know the real reason why Obama made his Final Four predictions even though crises in Libya and Japan were in progress? I can tell you why. I happen to know the exact reason:
Because Barack Obama loves this country so much that he must have been working too hard and had a lapse of judgment.
However, at least the President's lapse didn't make him commit adultery while his wife was lying in a hospital bed with cancer.

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