Wednesday, June 8, 2011

With "Friends" Like Harry Reid, Ed Schultz, and Jon Stewart, Who Needs Rush Limbaugh?

Besides death and taxes, there are two other things that can be counted on like clockwork: Republican deception and lies and Democratic spinelessness.
It was sickening to watch the rats desert the sinking ship known as Anthony Weiner today. At least we now know why Harry Reid is their "leader." When asked what he would say if Weiner called him for help, Harry bravely proclaimed: "I'd tell him to call someone else." Nice going, Harry. That’s the way to stand up for your fellow liberals.
Some Ohio Congresswoman also engaged in Obamaian preemptive capitulation by donating $1000 that she had been given by Anthony's campaign to charity as instructed to do by the Republicans who, to their credit, would have circled the wagons around one of their own when he was in his hour of need. (Lord knows they've had plenty of practice.)
Then Big Ed,. great Big Ed, came unhinged. I've never seen him so furious. And who were the hapless targets of his fury? Joan Walsh and Bill Press, because they had the temerity to suggest that maybe, just maybe, Anthony should be given the benefit of the doubt and not be presumed guilty of tweeting an X-rated picture of himself strictly on the say so of, of all people, Andrew "The Editor" Breitbart, who is quite possibly the least credible individual on the planet.
Plus Breitbart looks like he should be the star of that commercial where the guy crawls out from under his rock to discover that he can save 15% on his insurance premiums.
It hasn't been a good couple of weeks for Big Eddie. First he needlessly, IMHO, apologized to Laura Ingraham; now he yells at Joan Walsh and Bill Press because they tried to mount a lukewarm defense of Anthony Weiner, who, notwithstanding the abject foolishness of his adolescent behavior, is still the most passionate and eloquent voice on the hill for the disadvantaged and disenfranchised in this country. Anthony deserves something for that, at least something more than the trembling, weak kneed response of Harry Reid and the out of control fury of Ed Schultz.
Congratulations, Ed. In the space of less than ten days, you have stood up for Laura Ingraham and Andrew Breitbart, two of the lowest forms of life in a right wing currently overloaded with bottom dwellers.
However, the most shameful performance of everyone, by leaps and bounds, belonged to Anthony's "friend," Jon Stewart. Look, I know Stewart is first and foremost a comedian; he relies primarily on the day's headlines for his material; and certainly no stories are, unfortunately, more headline grabbing this week than stories about Anthony Weiner.
But there is a limit, and for Stewart to strut around stage with his chin pushed out to mock his "friend's" appearance on top of all the other piling on that was taking place in the press, the blogosphere, and, of course, on right wing radio and The Fox Propaganda Channel, was a stunning act of disloyalty.
If an apology is warranted in all of this mess, Jon Stewart is the one who owes one to his former house mate, because, if anything was conclusively demonstrated tonight, it was that oldest and most hackneyed of aphorisms that, with friends like Jon Stewart, who needs Rush Limbaugh?

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